Projects funding our research
The group is continuously searching and applying for different funding programs at the national and international level in order to develop their research which aims at gaining new insights in the field of unimolecular electronics and spintronics and fabricating novel organic/molecular devices such as molecular switches, functional self-assembled monolayers, organic-field effect transistors (OFETs) and electrolyte-gated field-effect transistors (EGOFETs).
HYDROCAT: “Towards Efficient Hydrogen Production with New Hybrid Electrocatalysts” (1/2/2024-30/1/2026), Generalitat de Catalunya, Ajut per finançar projectes de recerca per la mitigació al canvi climatic; ref. 2023CLIMA 00064. In collaboration with ICN2 and UB. Total: 360.000 €; ICMAB: 120.000 €; Coordinator: Marta Mas-Torrent
POCT-HB: “Sensitive low cost point of care test for Hepatitis B diagnosis with electrical read-out” (1/3/2024-30/7/2025), AGAUR: Ajuts d’Indústria del Coneixement, ref. 2023 PROD 00118; 149.300 €; PI: Marta Mas-Torrent.
SENSATION: ”Molecular electronic devices: performance optimisation for Sensors and Switches Applications” (1/6/2020-26/2/2024); AEI/Spanish Ministry; ref. PID2022-141393OB-I0; 381.000 €. PI: Núria Crivillers, Marta Mas-Torrent.
- OPTOCHARGE: "Optical probing of charge traps in organic field-effect transistors" (1/5/2023-30/4/2025), Marie Curie Individual Fellowship HORIZON-MSCA-2021-PF-01, EU ref. 101066319 , PI: Dean Kos, Host: Marta Mas-Torrent
- FLEMING: "X-ray detectors based on flexible organic field-effect transistors for medical imaging " (1/12/2022-30/11/2024). Prueba de Concepto. Agencia Estatal de Investigación, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación-Next Generation EU; ref. PDC2022-133750-I00; 149.500 €. PI: Marta Mas-Torrent.
Thematic Network: "Organic electronic devices: from high-performance materials to advanced applications" (2023-2024), Agencia Estatal de Investigación, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Coordinator: E. Barrena, PI Group: Marta Mas-Torrent
Consolidated Research Group e-MolMat, Generalitat de Catalunya (2022-2024), ref. 2021 SGR 00443, 60.000 €. Coordinator: Marta Mas-Torrent.
ERASAM: “Preparation of electrodes functionalised with electroactive molecules and characterisation of their electrocatalytic properties” (2023-2024), Agencia Estatal de Investigación, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación-Next Generation EU; Transición ecológica, ref. TED2021-132550B-C22; 155.135 €. PI: Núria Crivillers, Marta Mas-Torrent.
- CARESS: "Low-cost and rapid point-of-care bio-sensors for diagnosis" (1/12/2021-30/11/2023). Prueba de Concepto. , Agencia Estatal de Investigación, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación-Next Generation EU; ref. PDC2021-121511-I00; 95. 000 €. PI: Marta Mas-Torrent.
- GELLY-SENS: "Hydrogels as novel solid-electrolyte organic field-effect transistors for bio-sensing" (1/9/2021-30/8/2023), Severo Ochoa FUNFUTURE, Call FRONTIER INTERDISCIPLINARY PROJECTS (FIP). 70.000 €. PI: Marta Mas-Torrent.
- GENESIS: “Engineering, preparation and characterisation of organic-based high performing Electronic devices for physical and bio-sensing applications and for the development of new emerging technologies”, (1/6/2020-29/2/2024); Spanish Ministry; PID2019-111682RB-I00; 350.900 €. PI: Núria Crivillers and Marta Mas-Torrent.
- "Materiales Orgánicos Funcionales para la Fabricación de Sensores y Dispositivos (Espin) Electrónicos y de Memoria" (1/1/2020-31/5/2020), CSIC, ref. 2019AEP134; 21.416,78 €. PI: Marta Mas-Torrent
- UHMob:"Ultra-high Charge Carrier Mobility to Elucidate Transport Mechanisms in Semiconductors" (1/5/2019-30/10/2023). H2020-MSCA-ITN-2018, Coordinator: Yves Geerts; CSIC PI: Marta Mas-Torrent.
- GAIN: "Switchable organic molecules for the fabrication of electronic devices and memories" (1/6/2017-30/12/2018). National project: Severo Ochoa FUNMAT-FIP-2016, Call FRONTIER INTERDISCIPLINARY PROJECTS (FIP). PI: Nuria Crivillers.
- FANCY: "Functional organic materials for the Fabrication of sensors and (spin)-electronic/memory devices” (1/1/2017-31/12/2020) Spanish Ministry, CTQ2016-80030-R; 315.810 €. PI: Concepció Rovira, Marta Mas-Torrent
- BIO-PAD: "Biosensor platform based on organic transistors for the diagnosis of Alzheimer desease” (1/3/2017-30/12/2020) Spanish Ministry MAT2015-72760-EXP; 55.000€; PI: Marta Mas-Torrent
- HITECH_LAB: "HI-TECH platform for LABel-free biosensors” TecnioSpring- Marie Curie ”TECSPR15-1-0012 (15/3/2016- 15/3/2018); PI: Marta Mas-Torrent, Stefano Casalini.
- i-Switch Integrated self-assembled SWITCHable systems and materials: towards responsive organic electronics – a multi-site innovative training action” H2020-MSCA-ITN-2014-642196, 1/1/2015-31/12/2018. Coordinator: Paolo Samori; CSIC PI: Concepció Rovira.
- ERC Proof-of-Concept: “Large Area Organic Devices with bar assisted meniscus shearing technology”. Grant Agreement: 640120; 1/12/2014-30/5/2016; PI: Marta Mas-Torrent
- ERC Starting Grant: "Surface Self-Assembled Molecular Electronic Devices: Logic Gates, Memories and Sensors". Grant Agreement: 306826; 1/12/2012-30/9/2018;1500 k€. PI: Marta Mas-Torrent.
- BE-WELL. Bio- and Electro-active molecule-based materials for improving health andsocietal WELLbeing CTQ2013-40480-R, Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad; 01/01/2014 - 31/12/2016; PI: Jaume Veciana.
- Electromagic Multifunctional surfaces structured with electroactive and magnetic molecules for electronic and spintronic devices”. Marie-Curie Action; FP7-PEOPLE-2011-CIG (Career Integration Grant); GA 303989. 01/06/2012 - 31/05/2015; 75.000,00€. PI: Núria Crivillers and Jaume Veciana.
- ACMOL Electrical spin manipulation in electroACtive MOLecules” FP7-ICT-FET Open-Young Explorers-2013, GA 618082. 1/1/2014-31/12/2016; 332.495,00€. PI: Núria Crivillers
- i-LINK+” Towards molecule based-devices: control and understanding of transport through molecules. PROGRAMA CSIC CONEXIÓN INTERNACIONAL PARA LA PROMOCIÓN DE LA COLABORACIÓN CIENTÍFICA INTERNACIONAL DEL CSIC CON INSTITUCIONES EXTRANJERAS. 01/01/2014 - 31/12/2015. 16.000,00 €. PI: Jaume Veciana